Monday 14 November 2011


The Brief:

Prior to our Danish transgression we would like you to immerse in the paradigm that is Nordic architecture through emersion in the ideas of Jørn Utzon.

7 elements of the paradigm have been identified and we would like each of you to explore the reading associated with one.

•    Utzon Paradigm.
•    Embodied memory.
•    Nature.
•    Transcultural influence.
•    Landscape and place.
•    The primitive.
•    Ethics, humanity and community.

Following exploration of the texts you are to design and beautifully craft a container that embodies the theme.

We suggest you consider the meaning of ‘container’ in relation to the paradigm & subject area, materiality & meaning together with scale & appropriateness.

The object needs to represent itself without your commentary.

"‘Music begins to atrophy when it departs too far from dance […..] poetry begins to atrophy when it gets too far from music…..’

(Ezra Pound cited in Pallasmaa 2011)

And goes onto say:

‘Similarly, in my view, architecture turns to mere visual aesthetics when it departs from its original motives…..’

(Pallasmaa 2011)

Those original motives reside within embodied memory."

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